
My name is Shuhei . I'm 19 years old. I 'm a student at aoyamagakuin university and study English and American literature. I'm one of the editors of this blog.

My name is SangGi. I'm 20 years old. I also study English and American literature at aoyamagakuin university. I am the other editor of this blog.

We are starting this as a class assignment for one of our classes. Our class studies controversies throughout the world. We will be studying about legalized gambling and posting the information we find on this blog. We will be posting a variety of information such as the perspective of a certain person, or some data or statistics about gambling. We will be handling both pros and cons on this topic throughout the semester. We will each be posting something once a week.

6 件のコメント:

  1. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  2. I am really looking forward to the result of your research. It is because Gambling issue is one of the Japanese pressing social problem.

  3. I'm interested in this topic and I'll be looking forward to see your next post.

  4. I am interested in this topic since gambling is one of the most controversial issues in Japan. I am looking forward to reading your next post!

  5. That was a good first posting, Shuhei. Some of the content of that post can be included in your "blog description," which will appear at the top of your page, just under the title. That description won't disappear from the home page of your blog, no matter how many postings you make to it. Here's what would be ideal for your blog description:

    "We are members of a class at a university in Tokyo studying controversies throughout the world. We will be studying about legalized gambling and posting the information we find on this blog--both pros and cons--throughout the semester. We will each be posting something once a week."

    I'm glad that you and SangGi have chosen gambling as a topic as none of the students in this course have ever researched that topic. It's topical as Tokyo has been considering the introduction of legalized gambling in the run-up to the 2020 Olympics.

    Clear skies,
    Joseph D.

  6. Gambling is one of the most controversial issue since there would be an olympic coming 4years ago. I think if the Japanese government allowed gambling, there would be a huge economic benefit.
