
A Gambling Addicts Point of View

     One of the major problems of gambling is the people who get addicted to it. They usually don't realize it until it is too late, and many ruin their lives because of it. I will introduce one case of a how a gambling addict named Sally who got hooked and took various actions she did due to gambling.

Rigney, Sam."How I Got Hooked: A Gambling Addicts Story." New Castle Herald. 6 Oct 2013

 First she just started playing socially, but after a big win she gradually started to fall into the depth. She also stated that the dollar machines were one of the reasons she got hooked. Thinking she could get a another good win, she spent most of her time planning for her next game. She started resorting to illegal methods to gain money and the results that followed made her regret everything. She lost a job she had for 30 years, and without her husband controlling the money she couldn't have overcome her addiction. She still considers herself lucky since, there are many people who throws away everything and relation they have for gambling. Once addicted, it becomes hard for one to see right from wrong, and it's even more difficult to accept that it is wrong.

1 件のコメント:

  1. You summarized Sally's story very well and I liked how you dramatized it in our last class. Sally was fortunate to have overcome her addiction and to continue to get support from her family. I'm especially glad to see that you cited the source of your information and included the citation in MLA format.

    Joseph D.
