
Answer for the questions part2

Q1 What is gambling?
Q30 Is gambling with friends the same as gambling in casinos?

Literally speaking, gambling means  to wager of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods.

Considering this meaning, Japanese pachinko and mahjang are regarded as gambling and they should be banned. Moreover, if you bet some money, when you play cards with your friends, it is also seen as a gambling. 

"Gambling." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 June 2014. Web. 16 June 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambling>

4 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Shuhei,
    I'm glad to see that you cited the source of your information so well in MLA style.

    Be cautious when using Wikipedia and it should never be your ONLY source. As we saw with the WikiTravel activity that we did, anyone can contribute to public Wikis. Some of them may have accurate knowledge but others may be fools.

    There is an intelligent way to use Wikipedia though. You can use it to get a general idea about a particular subject area and then follow up on the sources at the bottom of the page to obtain information from the original (hopefully, more trustworthy) sites.

  2. I agree that pachinko and mahjang is also included as ganmbling.

  3. Some of my friends play pachinko and I wonder why they cannot stop it.

  4. I am wondering what is going to be legal and what is not going to be legal. I think that making the borderline of two aspects clear is important.
