
Answer for the question part4

Q7 Why gambling such as pachinko or horse racing is legal in Japan?

     First, pachinko isn't seen as a gambling, but play by Japanese law. However, it is still illegal to be exchanged for cash in a pachinko parlor by the law. So, how can it get around the law?
     In Japan, there are two other kinds of stores which are connected to a pachinko parlor. First one is a store where you can exchange goods, which you get at a pachinko parlor as a prize, for money. Second one is a store where the first store sells the goods. Then, a pachinko buys the goods. That's how, they can get around the law. (As people don't change money at a pachinko parlor, pachinko is legal.)

Horse racing is apparently a gambling, but it is also legal in Japan. So, why?
In Japan, horse racing, boat racing and bicycle racing are official game which is allowed by the Japanese government. Moreover, the revenue of these games is used for local government.That's why, these games are legal in Japan. 


Yajima, Masahiro. "「パチンコはどうして合法なのか?」―『パチンコがなくなる日』POKKA吉田さんインタビュー." 「パチンコはどうして合法なのか?」―『パチンコがなくなる日』POKKA吉田さんインタビュー(前編). N.p., 28 Mar. 2011. Web. 6 July 2014. <http://www.sinkan.jp/news/index_1842.html>

Yamawaki, Kouji. "パチンコの換金、法的になぜ罰せられない?カジノ解禁ムードで強まる合法明文化への動き - ビジネスジャーナル/Business Journal | ビジネスの本音に迫る." ビジネスジャーナル/Business Journal. N.p., 15 Nov. 2013. Web. 6 July 2014. <http://biz-journal.jp/2013/11/post_3344.html>

"なぜ競馬は合法なのか." . N.p., 30 Nov. 2011. Web. 6 July 2014. <http://besttihoukeiba.com/keiba/gouhou/>

"オンライン麻雀,麻雀,ネット麻雀,賭け麻雀." 競馬・競艇・競輪などがOKで麻雀が違法な理由について. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 July 2014. <http://www.daitoh-farm.com/category5/entry57.html>

4 件のコメント:

  1. Your summary is good, Shuhei, and I believe what you've written is accurate, but take care to choose authoritative sources. The interview on the sinkan.jp/ news site and the business journal seem like respectable sources, but the besttihoukeiba.com site is authored by someone who identifies himself (or herself) as "r25mct6." We have no idea who this person really is, so we don't know if we can trust the information. The http://www.daitoh-farm.com/ site looks rather suspicious, too.

    When you make citations in your Academic Writing class you'll need to render all Japanese names into roman letters. That would also make it more user-friendly for foreigners who stumble upon your blog.

  2. I am glad to see that you're using multiple sources and formatting the citations well.
    Joseph D.

  3. These answers are quite understandable and informative. I would like to praise your effort to summarize this article.

  4. I didn't know that it is illegal to be exchanged for cash in a pachinko parlor by the law.
    I think pachinko is very addictive.
