We are going to answer two or more questions in a week !
Q2 Which casinos earn the most money?
Q3 How much does the casino, which makes the most money, earn in a day?
Q2 Which casinos earn the most money?
Q3 How much does the casino, which makes the most money, earn in a day?
We can't find one particular casino which makes the most money, but we can find that casinos in Macau earn the most money. We have thought that casinos in Las Vegas earn the most money in the world. According to the website at which we took a look, casinos in Macau earn seven times as much money as casinos in Las Vegas. Macau earn about $45 billion in a day, while Las Vegas earn $6 billion in a day.

Keeffe, Kate O' "Macau's 2013 Gambling Revenue Rose 19% to $45.2 Billion." The Wall Street Journal. Andrew Langhoff, 2 Jan. 2014. Web. 11 June 2014. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303640604579295884261629874
Keeffe, Kate O' "Macau's 2013 Gambling Revenue Rose 19% to $45.2 Billion." The Wall Street Journal. Andrew Langhoff, 2 Jan. 2014. Web. 11 June 2014. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303640604579295884261629874
Q13 What is the origin of gambling?
Gambling dates back to ancient times where they would use knuckle bones and marked sticks. Many of the game that are played in casinos originate from ancient China and Europe. The game Keno that used to be played in ancient China has now become modern day lotteries. Another ancient game in China named Pai Gow has been combined with poker and is now played in many casinos. Even then there were problems with gambling, with some countries banning it.
"History of Gambling." Thur. 12 June. 2014. Web. 1 Jan. 2014. http://gamblingsummary.com/index.php/history/history
"Origin and History of Gambling." . Web. 1 Jan. 2014. http://gamblingsummary.com/index.php/history/history
I am impressed that gambling has a long history.
返信削除I also would have thought that Las Vegas had the highest gambling revenues. It's surprising that Macau is at the top, and by such a large margin. I suppose gambling has a considerably longer history in Macau, and in China in general, so they got a head start. The Wall Street Journal is probably quite a good source for this information and it's unlikely that their figures are seriously off, but try to consult, at least, two sources to answer each of your research questions. You may be surprised by how much different sources vary, even in basic facts. That variation can lead you to look for possible biases that are behind the differences.
返信削除The gambling website you use to report on the origin of gambling is clearly a pro-gambling website that's mainly dedicated to teaching us about the rules of various games used for gambling. I'm not saying you shouldn't get information from that site, but you should balance it with information from more objective sites such as encyclopedias or other reference sites.