Q.20 Do schools in Japan teach about gambling?
Q.21 If so, how do they teach about it? If not, why?
First, I explain the reason why I questioned this. Although I have never been taught about gambling in school, I wonder there are some schools in Japan which teach about gambling.
That's why, I researched this question.
In Japan, dangerousness of smoking and alcohol is taught at schools. For example, by showing a picture of a highly dameged lung or liver. However, dangers of gaming isn't taught at schools in Japan.
There aren't any websites written about the reason gambling isn't taught at schools in Japan.
I wonder why they don't teach about gambling as well as smoking and drinking. The possibilities that people get addicted to gambling are as high as the one of smoking and drinking.
Kiso, Takashi. "カジノ合法化に関する100の質問." : 早急に求められる「ギャンブルに対するリスク教育」の義務化. N.p., 4 Feb. 2014. Web. 14 July 2014. <http://blog.livedoor.jp/takashikiso_casino/archives/8242516.html>
That is a serious omission. Come to think of it, I don't think it's included in the curriculum in American schools either.